For me a comfort zone is nothing else, but a place and time when we feel safe and good. We close ourselves in a bubble of our own limitations. Theoretically, a comfort zone sounds good. We sit on our sofa, watch TV, eating crisps and drinking beer. It is raining outside, it is cold…and at home it is warm and cosy. We create our own comfort zone. Until our belly does not bother us or our health is not reprimanding us, we blossom in this zone. In our inherent laziness we fight ourselves kicking and screaming against “breaking out” from the zone. The comfort zone is treated as a certain kind of limitation, but not fully. As when we leave our comfort zone, we get used to new situations that we found uncomfortable before, and therefore we expand it. We can say that it is a never-ending process and this is not a lie. But we will come to a point when our comfort zone is large enough that it will include all of our fears, problems and concerns that have bothered us so far. But to get there, we really need to change something.It may seem impossible, but some time ago I was a very withdrawn and introverted person. I could not imagine being the chairman of the school, a year president or a club manager. I used to be ashamed of playing concerts. As all these situations went beyond my comfort zone. However, one day a group of people made me aware that I am afraid of something that actually comes easy to me. Despite my fear and temptation to give up, I took the first step outside my comfort zone. And you know what? This was the best step in my life. In this context we can talk about maintaining a diet. There are people who assume that they will not stick to their diet so they do not even start. And this is the first symptom that we leave our comfort zone – we deceive ourselves and we seek excuses which would be a justification for ourselves. Exactly…for ourselves. This subject involves working on yourself. Unfortunately becoming aware that you are looking for excuses is leaving your comfort zone and contrary to appearances, there are quite a lot of people like this. The entire “excuse process” is quite fascinating. Based on my own example, I know how easy it is to find an excuse. Eating chocolate: “I work out a lot, I work all the time, I am active all day, I can eat a piece”. Who knows what I am talking about? Hands up. Then I justify myself with a bad mood. Then, I say: „Fuck it, why do I every work out?”, or “I have been eating well for a week… I can eat something else”, and I could list more and more excuses because my imagination is rather broad.It is worth becoming aware that EVERYONE absolutely EVERYONE has excuses. But you must also know that only some people are aware of this and want to fight it. Is there a good method for this? Honestly, I have no idea. I believe that the keyword is CONSCIOUSNESS. Without becoming conscious how we can limit ourselves, we will not be able to change anything. We won’t even feel like changing anything anyway.
When we become conscious of our own limitations, we can plan a way to fight them. But I would like to underline one thing – only when we are aware what we are dealing with. You need to determine the problem and select the right mode of action that will be possible for you to implement and that you can believe in. Take a small step that causes minor discomfort. With time, such discomfort will change into something that gives your satisfaction. As we will be aware of what we did to be a better version of ourselves. Overcoming my barriers is part of my life and one of my goals. Thinking that it is difficult is our excuse, as working on your comfort zone is extremely difficult – this is a fact – but at the same time extremely satisfying and worth the effort and commitment. So, do not be afraid, but fight with your excuses, move your ass and act!