CityFit is a Polish chain of fitness clubs offering 24 h/7 access 365 days a year. The clubs feature the highest-quality premium equipment and air conditioning. What is more, you can use free Wi-Fi and filtered water in them. CityFit stands also for a great atmosphere, friendly staff and a place where you can reach your workout goals easier and faster.
You can find more information about the interesting location at https://cityfit.pl/nasze-kluby/
In that tab we have described the club itself and particular zones (there are more than a dozen of them in some locations), posted photos, introduced the coaches and the managerial team. You can have a virtual tour round the club. This will help you decide to buy a membership.
We have divided group classes into categories to make it easier to match them with your workout goals. You can find them at https://cityfit.pl/zajecia-grupowe/
Having selected a relevant icon, you can read the details of the selected classes, e.g. in the dance category, choose the appropriate club and check its schedule.
Information on coaches and personal workouts can be found at https://cityfit.pl/trening-personalny/
It is where you can find descriptions of our certified coaches, their timetables and price proposal. Your workouts are bound to be more effective when they help you!
CityFit offers dedicated IntroFit classes which will enable you to start in the club and do your first workout under the supervision of Gym Assistants based on your customised workout plans. Thanks to this solution, you will feel at home in the club right away and start your adventure with a specific plan.
And here is the link! https://cityfit.pl/introfit/
You can buy your membership in two ways. The first of them is the “Buy a membership” option on the upper toolbar on the page. This will navigate you through the buying process, including the choice of your club and an interesting offer.
The second way is the membership purchase in a kiosk in the club lobby. The processes are virtually identical and they will enable you to become a CityFit club member fast and easily!
CityFit offers a few membership types.
- Monthly membership — this offers two options, i.e. an unlimited membership paid monthly and a 2-month membership you can pay in advance or 6-month which u pay month by month.
- Short-term membership — 24 h or 72 h access thanks to which you can have a fast workout, with an unlimited number of visits in that period.
You can choose if you want to use CityFit for a full year or perhaps you are not certain how much time you need to achieve your goals. This is why you can choose between an agreement for unspecified time which is extended automatically month by month until you resign (any time) and a 6/12-month option where you have liabilities all year or half year round, but the membership price is also much more attractive.
CityFit cooperates with Medicover Sport, Multisport, PZU Sport, Fit Profit and the customers holding relevant packages can use CityFit clubs. We do not offer such a possibility for any other cards for the time being.
You can pay for your membership using a payment card. As CityFit memberships are subscription-based, the system will debit the card automatically to pay for it until your resign or your 12-month agreement expires. This is not only safe, but also convenient and cutting edge. CityFit does not accept any payment forms other than by card. During payment process, system will charge you for 1zł. This amount will be returned to your account within 7 days. You can use also the Przelewy24 service to pay for any short-term memberships.
Contact your Bank and ask if the card has the periodic payment function enabled and if the limits for such transactions are sufficient. Sometimes you need to wait a couple of hours after you have changed your limits via a consultant or in an electronic banking service to carry out the transaction again.
First of all, this is a 24/7 access to the club all year round, including any holidays! This is a healthy lifestyle activity which is convenient and matches your daily schedule. You do not need to be limited by your fitness club accessibility. We offer also premium equipment by TechnoGyp and Matrix, air-conditioned space, Wi-Fi, spacious changing rooms with shower cubicles, filtered water, unlimited access to group classes and beginner classes https://cityfit.pl/introfit/
You get your access to the club in a modern form. You enter via the entry portals open with special QR code which is generated in CityFit Application. That is it!
The basic gear of a club member is towel to cover the equipment, a padlock to lock the locker, sports clothes and shoes you change after you have entered the club.
Do not forget to take also good humour and a positive attitude! If you forget to take water, you can drink directly from filtered water intakes in the club, even if you do not have your bidon or a bottle. The padlock dimensions are the shackle diameter ranging 5.5 to 8 mm.
At CityFit clubs, we offer membership for people under 18 years of age - the condition is that they are at least 15 years old (i.e. at the earliest on the 15th birthday) and complete a special declaration and signing it by a parent or legal guardian. For people under 15 years of age, we do not offer passes or allow entry to the club.
24/7/365. In other words, CityFit clubs are open all the time. It is easier to say when they are not — usually when we redecorate the space to maintain high quality. This is just one weekend a year and this does not always require closing the club.
We are open every day, including Sundays and holidays. We look forward to see you between Monday and Friday from 6 am to 11:00 pm, and on weekends between 8 am and 8 pm.
The space is divided into several, sometimes more than a dozen workout zones, depending on the club location. All of them are indicated on dedicated maps at the entrance doors and are marked with colour codes and names. The most frequent zones are cardio, free weights, functional workout, warm up/cool down zone, relaxation and cross-functional ones. If you have any problem finding the zones, ask Gym Assistants for help.
On the club website at https://cityfit.pl/nasze-kluby/ you can find information on the conditions of parking near the club. Not every CityFit club has free parking spaces, but most of them are situated near shopping centres or public transport to ensure you can reach them conveniently.
You can enter the club by scanning QR Code from CityFit App so you can come regardless of whether the Managers and Gym Assistants work. Thanks to that, CityFit clubs are open also during holidays.
In CityFit clubs, depending on the zone, you can find cardio equipment, including treadmills, elliptical bikes, crossovers, exercise bikes as well as functional workout equipment, e.g. kettlebells, dumbbells, med balls and equipment for the free weights zone, e.g. straight or inclined benches, leg presses and hack squats, cable columns and barbells. Every club has many hundreds devices. For more information, see https://cityfit.pl/nasze-kluby/
You can use also come to a club where the staff will show you round and tell you more about the equipment and the space itself.
CityFit is focused first and foremost on offering high-quality workout space and affordable membership prices. We do not plan to open any swimming pools or saunas at our clubs.
Yes, every club has changing rooms with hundreds of lockers (locked with the club members’ padlocks) as well as at least some shower cubicles.
You can buy protein bars, water, isotonic drinks, padlocks and towels via vending machines in the club. You can pay there by card and the offer is constantly extended (e.g. with protein shakes or other pre- or post-workout products).
Yes, you can do it with your standard and all-inclusive membership (12 months). It is not possible for some promotional memberships. This information is always displayed when you buy. The freezing is active starting from the new settlement period and paid with the sum 49,95zł. You can use this option via a customer zone.
Your membership is de-frozen instantaneously, thanks to which you can do your workout right after you have pressed the button. The payment for a new settlement period will be collected automatically by the system and for 6/12-month memberships the agreement validity term will be extended as appropriate.
CityFit memberships (Standard Pass) have one month period of notice. For an unlimited membership, you must resign before the new settlement period starts, and for a 12-month membership you resign after it expires.
The membership is ascribed to one member, meaning it is not possible to transfer the membership and the account.
The enrollment fee is charged when your membership was suspended (e.g. you have failed to pay or you have resigned). If your membership was not frozen for the time of your break, the enrollment fee is charged again.
Our club members can obtain help of our Managers and Gym Assistants in our clubs. The Gym Assistants work 6.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. at the weekends, while the Managers from 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.
If you need any information and you cannot visit the club, use the Customer Service at 22 113 93 00 or e-mail address [email protected] (you can use the form at https://cityfit.pl/kontakt/)
You can contact us also via LiveChat at www.cityfit.pl and via Messenger. It has never been easier to contact your fitness club!
CityFit have a dedicated box (in the lobby) where you can put any message in a paper format. You can also write to [email protected] or use a contact form in the tab at https://cityfit.pl/kontakt/
Gym Assistants help club members and encourage them. Gym Assistants are responsible for taking care of the equipment or ensuring the rules are followed by the club members (including the use of towels or locking the lockers with padlocks). They participate in events and promote good atmosphere in the club. Personal coaches are responsible for carrying out personal workouts with club members and supporting their physical development.
A Club Member’s Assistant is a dedicated tab in the Customer Zone which will help you manage your membership and tell you what to do if you want e.g. to pay for your membership, buy a new one, freeze your membership or resign from it. It is enough to select the type and topic and answer simple questions which will guide you to the solution.
Personal workouts are available at https://trenerzy.cityfit.pl/. Press the button called “Select your coach” and you will be taken to the website where you can check the coaches available in your location.
Yes, to be able to participate in a personal workout, you need to have an active membership enabling you to use the club space. If you do not have your membership yet, it can be selected when buying your personal workout.
The proposals available in particular locations can differ. The standard packages available in every location are the packages of 5 or 10 workouts. Every club offers also single personal workouts. Selecting a workout package, you save up to 10% of a single workout.
During your first meeting, the coach will interview you with respect to your workout goal and will measure your body composition. S/he will also assess your current fitness and verify functionality. The above activities will be grounds for preparing a workout plan optimum for your present fitness, corresponding to your needs best which is why it should be done as fast as possible.
For your first workout you can select the date from 24 hours to two weeks in advance, provided the coach is available then.
You can cancel the workout at your account in the Customer Zone or via the Customer Service at 22 113 93 00 or at the e-mail address [email protected] (you can use the form at https://cityfit.pl/kontakt/). Your personal coach will contact you to agree a date convenient for you.
The validity date depends on the number of workouts available in the package. The number of weeks is always 2 more than the number of workouts in a given package, e.g. the package of 5 workouts is valid for 7 weeks, and the one of 10 workouts for 12 weeks.
If you do not use any workout, you are not eligible to any refund of money under the Rules of the service available at https://cityfit.pl/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Regulamin-Treningu-Personalego-CityFit.pdf.
The package validity term can be extended. You should simply report it before it expires. It will not be possible to restore your workout units after the package closes. You can report it via the Customer Service at 22 113 93 00 or at the e-mail address [email protected] (you can use the form at https://cityfit.pl/kontakt/ ).
You can book in your Customer Zone by selecting your preferred date in your coach’s schedule. You can book your workout no later than 48 hours before the planned date.
You can cancel your workout in your calendar available in the Customer Zone or via the Customer Service at 22 113 93 00. You can do it for free up to 48 hours before your workout. If you cancel later than 48 hours before your workout, your workout unit is lost according to the Rules of the service available at https://cityfit.pl/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Regulamin-Treningu-Personalego-CityFit.pdf.
Go to the club with your membership card and an ID document between 6:00-22:00 from Monday to Friday and between 8:00-20:00 at weekends. Earlier or shortly before your visit, register yourself on the website klubowicz.cityfit.pl (choose the option 'login with benefit') and download the CityFit application from the App Store or Sklep Play. In order to enter the club you will have to show your membership card to a club's staff employee (gym assistant) then run the application and download the QR code.
Yes, the application is needed in order to access the club through the entrance gate.
On only one chosen. Should you, for some reason lose access to that device, please contact our customer service centre on 22 113 93 00 and ask for the device to be removed. This will allow you to asign the application to your new phone.
You can prove your identity by presenting a valid driving license, a residence card, a Pole's card, a student ID card, a pupil ID card, a company ID card or a passport. Should you not have any of these documents, access to the club will not be possible.
If your membership (package) does not have access restrictions, you can access CityFit without any limitations. All areas and equipment in the club are at your disposal (all CityFit clubs accept the Multisport membership card). Please note whether your card (package) is accepted. You can currently use CityFit with the Multisport Plus and Multisport Senior packages.
Of course you can! You can easily sign up for group classes using the application.
No, access with the above cards is only for adults (minors who are 15 years old can use CityFit with their parent's consent on the basis of a pass).