Where to start from?
Initially, answer the question “What goal do I want to achieve?”. Next, select an IntroFit appropriate for that task. Remember also about a balanced diet. When you ensure regular exercises and appropriate eating habits, your goals will be achieved quickly and safely for your health.
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Reduction - Weight loss, Preserved muscle mass, Improved strength
Strength training routine for all those who are planning to get rid of excess fat safely without sacrificing muscle mass.
Strength training routine for all those who are planning to get rid of excess fat safely without sacrificing muscle mass.
FizjoFit - Health training, Back pain relief, Joint health improvement
Core training designed to strengthen the deep back muscles that stabilise the spine. Designed for those living a sedentary lifestyle and those who suffer from back pain.
Core training designed to strengthen the deep back muscles that stabilise the spine. Designed for those living a sedentary lifestyle and those who suffer from back pain.
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Girl Power
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Girl Power - Firm buttocks, Slimmer waistline, Slender waist
A programme designed for women. Full-body routine that specifically targets back and abdominal muscles and buttocks.
A programme designed for women. Full-body routine that specifically targets back and abdominal muscles and buttocks.
Turbo burning - Circuit training, Quick fat burning, Improved fitness
Intense circuit training for quick fat burning. You can do all the exercises in the Functional Training Zone.
Intense circuit training for quick fat burning. You can do all the exercises in the Functional Training Zone.
Turbo burning
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Body building
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Body-building - Muscle growth, Athletic physique, Improved physical fitness
Body-building routine for gaining muscle fast while maintaining a proportional physique.
Body-building routine for gaining muscle fast while maintaining a proportional physique.
Zobacz wiecej
Remember that to be fully successful you need to follow balanced diet rules. Do not forget also about a good warm-up before the workout and remember to stretch your muscles after the exercises.
Are you starting your adventure with a fitness club? Do it in a professional way!
Introfit stands for comprehensive workout plans prepared by CityFit experts. Thanks to them, you will achieve your workout goals faster and safer, and the exercise results will stay with you much longer.